The Conqueror Conquered: Alexander and the Indian Saint

The Conqueror Conquered: Alexander and the Indian Saint

At the zenith of his conquests, after establishing an empire that stretched from Greece to Egypt and North India, Alexander the Great decided to return home. Eager to take with him a person of profound wisdom from India, he learned about a revered saint living nearby.

Arriving with his weary army, Alexander found the saint in deep meditation beneath a tree. Patiently, the conqueror waited for the sage to complete his introspection. When the saint finally opened his eyes, Alexander approached and expressed his desire for the sage to accompany him.

However, the saint, unperturbed, declined the invitation, stating that he was content with his current abode. Unaccustomed to hearing a refusal, Alexander insisted, revealing his identity and asserting that the saint must join him.

The sage, calm and undisturbed, reiterated his desire to stay where he was. This refusal angered Alexander, who drew his sword, pointing it at the saint's neck, demanding compliance.

In the face of this threat, the saint maintained his composure and calmly responded, "You can kill me if you wish, but henceforth, don't use the word 'Great' in your name because there is nothing great about you. You are a slave of my slave."

Intrigued and provoked, Alexander questioned the meaning behind the saint's words. The sage explained that anger was his slave, obeying him at will. In contrast, Alexander, despite conquering nations, couldn't triumph over his anger. It controlled and attacked him whenever it pleased, rendering him a slave to his own wrath.

Realizing the profound truth in the saint's words, Alexander humbly bowed before him, acknowledging the conqueror within himself that still needed conquering. With newfound insight, he retreated from the encounter, humbled by the sage's wisdom and self-mastery.

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