The Illuminated Path: A Dialogue Between a Saint and a King

The Illuminated Path: A Dialogue Between a Saint and a King

In the flourishing kingdom of Mithila, there resided a deeply religious and knowledgeable king. One day, a saint arrived at his court, seeking insight into the king's ability to remain detached despite living amidst grandeur.

Welcoming the saint with wholehearted respect, the king inquired about the purpose of the saint's visit. The saint, curious about the king's spiritual disposition, asked how he managed to maintain detachment while residing in a palace.

The king, preoccupied with his responsibilities, requested the saint to wait until later in the day. To occupy the saint during his wait, the king handed him a lamp and instructed him to explore the entire palace. However, he cautioned the saint that the lamp must not be extinguished, as doing so could lead to getting lost in the vast palace.

Accepting the challenge, the saint took the lamp and embarked on a journey through the palace's opulent chambers and corridors. Hours later, he returned to the king.

The king inquired about his experience, and the saint responded, "Rajan, I traversed every corner of your palace, observed everything, yet it all remained unseen." Perplexed, the king questioned, "Why is that?"

The saint explained, "Rajan, my entire attention was fixated on this lamp, ensuring it didn't get extinguished. Consequently, my focus was solely on preserving the light, and the grandeur of the palace went unnoticed."

The king, realizing the profound truth in the saint's words, shared his own perspective, "Mahatma ji, the same happens with me. All my attention remains on God. From waking up to sitting down, everything I do is dedicated to Him."

Acknowledging the king's profound realization, the saint bowed in reverence before the monarch and departed, leaving the king with a deeper understanding of spiritual focus and detachment.

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