Why is it called “Peace”? We’re tired. We just want it to end. We want life to be simple. We just want to go home and relax. Go home and not worry about anything. Relish in the embrace of our loved ones and know that they love us for who we are and not all the things we’ve done. At the end of our lives, could this happen? Could we just leave our troubles behind and relax? Not worry about anything1?
This has not been your week. Or even your month. Or decade. So many things going on. Pushing you here. Pulling you there. It is enough to drive you insane. There are some heavy deadlines at work and you are behind. When you get home, you have to make dinner for the kids and yourself. They are reminding you they have lessons to attend or you have dropped them off for a school activity they signed up for. Or, they are inundated with homework and they have no time for you1.
You’re exhausted and just want a couple of hours of peace. Mindlessly sitting in front of the TV, you zone out for a couple of hours and then off to bed, only to get up the next morning and do the same routine over again1.
On the weekend, you think you can finally relax. However, there are the chores that need to be done and you have to do grocery shopping for the week. If you have kids, a lot of their activities also happen on the weekends. More driving. You look at them being busy all the time and you realize… they are going to end up just like you. Not enjoying life, but just racing through it1.
Why is your life that way? Why is your day and your family’s day so filled with activities that there really is no time for one another. Why can’t you just stop and simplify things? How to simplify your life. Simplifying your life is not that hard. It is about maintaining control. It is about defining what is important and what is not. It is about taking care of yourself and not being there at the beck and call of everybody else1.
A lot of times, there is nothing you can do about simplifying your job. There are people who say “Just walk away! Do what you want! Find that job that fulfills you.” Those are the privileged people. For many people, they can not just walk away. This is the only type of job they can physically or mentally do. Or there are not that many opportunities where they live. Or they have to work specific times because of their family obligations. There are a lot of reasons why someone has to work at a certain job and it has nothing to do with being fulfilled. It is about bringing in steady income to survive and provide for others1.
Now, even with your job, you can always discuss with your manager about ways to ease the load. It may work. It may not. You may be working at a crappy company and your only choice to save your sanity is to look for a new job. However, if you work at a good company, there are probably things you can do to simplify the workload1.
At home, you have to make dinner and feed the family. However, if you have a spouse, they should share the workload. They should make dinner, clean the house, do the laundry, and pay the bills. They should help with driving the kids to their events. Marriage is a partnership. It is not about one person being a servant to the other person1.
In the end, you need to make time for yourself and the things that you love to do. It is not like it has to be full time. You will be amazed at how an hour here or there every day helps. It is about bringing peace to your life and making sure that you are taking part in it rather than only being there for everybody else. It is about caring for yourself as much as you care for others. It is about bringing peace to your life1.
Even those who are born into peace can succumb to the hurries and pressures of daily life and find themselves despairing at the loss of harmony, accord, and contentment. However, peace is an art that can be developed and nurtured just like any other quality or skill. Beautiful, thoughtful, and lovingly crafted, this oracle from Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela Williams will support you on the journey to compassion and confidence. The sublime images and insightful messages offer practical advice, higher guidance, and affirmations to help you cultivate peace in your heart, your head, and your home so that serenity can blossom into all areas of your life. Begin to live your peace today2.
Toni Carmine Salerno is the creator of many books, meditation recordings, and oracle cards. He is also an internationally acclaimed, self-taught artist who paints intuitively, creating works that are infused with a timeless sense of love. Born in Melbourne, Australia, to Italian parents, Toni and his publishing house Blue Angel Publishing continue to have a significant and positive effect on people’s lives around the globe, connecting people and cultures through the universal language of love2.
Leela J. Williams has been an editor and writer in the spiritual field since 2000. As the publisher of magazines such as Spheres – the spirit guide and the International Psychics Directory she has had the honor of working with and learning from many gifted and inspiring thinkers. Her ongoing support of the spiritual community has been recognized by the International Psychics Association, and she has a weekly radio segment on Sharina’s Psychic Encounters. Leela’s deep thinking and her philosophical and creative skills make her a sought-after editor and mentor2.
Even those who are born into peace can succumb to the hurries and pressures of daily life and find themselves despairing at the loss of harmony, accord, and contentment. Beautiful, thoughtful, and lovingly crafted, this oracle from Toni Carmine Salerno and Leela Williams will support you on the journey to compassion and confidence.
- Behind the Meaning of the "Peace" Oracle/Tarot Card. ShadowMyths. March 03, 2022. https://www.shadowmyths.com/living-with-myself/peace-oracle-card
- Peace oracle: guidance for challenging times. Amazon. December 19, 2022. https://www.amazon.com/Peace-Oracle-Guidance-Challenging-Times/dp/0738759392