How To Purify Surroundings And Attract Positive And Harmonious Vibration

How To Purify Surroundings And Attract Positive And Harmonious Vibration

Remedy: Earth Touching Buddha Statue 

This awesome handmade earth touching Buddha statue is impressive and perfect for your altar, bookshelf, desk, lawn, meditation and at all places. Reaching down with his right hand, Gautama Buddha calls upon the mother earth to witness his awakening. This iconic dive in and float gesture is called the "mother earth witness" gesture.·

It captures the moment of his life mission in which he triumphed over his final obstacle to liberation and is an iconographic type that is known as the “Diamond Seat,” or vajrasana Buddha, which was his gift to the world. It is also known as Shakyamuni Buddha in compatible Bhumisparsha gestures.

Procedure: Calling The Earth To Witness

You can meditate and call the earth to witness your creation, existence and evolution. It is a way where you can be in constant communication with the spiritual earth. It will help you quiet your mind, enhance your ability to be insightful and you will begin to see the true nature of existence. 

You can seek the blessings of the Mother Earth for health and wealth and food in your home and for yourself and your dependents by touching the ground after you wake up. Then you have to recite the following chant after having bath for 11 times:

O’ Mother Earth, I pay homage to the fullness of your beauty and divine perfection that make sense to me. You are abundant with Life, figuratively speaking, always re-birthing from one season to another season. I respect and admire your land, waters, air, and all inhabitants in abundance. May all forces align with your perfect supercharged regenerative power.

Spiritual Well Being: To Incur And Invoke The Blessings Of Mother Earth

You return thanks and celebrate our mother, the earth, which sustains us forever. You return thanks to the righteous rivers and streams, which supply us with water for eternity. You are grounded. Your spirit is grounded deep in the earth and will understand how the world works. When you choose to be grounded in Mother Earth, you are supported in all you do.

Mother Earth and her progeny are prolific givers. Trees give fruits, hens hatch eggs, animals give milk and the fields give birth to rich harvests. Take a break and deepen your connection to the Earth by tapping into the elemental energies swirling within each of us by analyzing-enhancing-translating new ways to care for her. She has been used up, worn out and no good for anyone anymore.

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